Pantaenius Bureaux

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Prevention | In case of emergency

Safety and Emergency at Sea

PAN-PAN and MAYDAY: Assistance and rescue.
A common weak point in the training of pleasure boaters is the rescue request and how to navigate in what may be a difficult circumstance. When a vessel has a problem on board, the first thing you should do is report it to the S.A.R. service, which in Italy is coordinated by the Italian Harbour Master's Office Coast Guard. One of the most important instruments aboard a pleasure craft is the VHF radio, with or without the DSC function, and it’s mandatory if you’re navigating more than 6 miles from the coast. At 6 knots, it’ll take you an hour to cover 6 miles. At 12 knots, it’ll take you half an hour but thirty minutes can be a long and life-changing period when you’re in a distress situation.

PANTAENIUS - un partenaire fiable
Il est important de se sentir bien et en sécurité

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