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Insurance knowledge | Charter

Safe chartering even in times of Corona - Covid19 clauses in travel insurance

Insurance protects against the unexpected. Unfortunately, the pandemic spread of the Sars-Cov2 virus posed a huge challenge to this principle last year.

The impact of travel restrictions and illnesses from Covid19 was so extensive that it was no longer possible for many insurers to cover risks associated with the Coronavirus.

In light this, during 2021, the insurers we work with to provide charter packages forced us to adjust the coverage provided by our travel cancellation insurance. Today, we are delighted to inform you that this restriction to cover has been lifted and that, following negotiations with the insurers, we can once again recognize illness caused by Covid19 as a reason for cancelling a trip.

Trip Cancellation Insurance is part of each of the insurance packages offered by Pantaenius for charter holidays and covers one skipper and up to nine crew members. In the event of the skipper falling ill, and if the trip cannot be started or if it must be cancelled due to the absence, the entire travel group can benefit from the insurance cover. Cancellation costs, arrival and departure costs as well as additional return travel costs or pro rata charter costs are also covered.


Charter Packages

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