Pantaenius Academy
You never stop learning
Pantaenius handles around 6000 claims every year and only a few of them are actually caused by force majeure, technical defects or construction faults. This is reason enough for us to share our years of experience in the area of damage prevention by offering an exciting series of seminars for schools and clubs.

We have named the seminars, the Pantaenius Academy, and our aim is to enhance the knowledge of local watersports communities on safety relevant topics. The seminars do not follow a defined format however, and depend on the individual needs of the participants. In an informal discussion setting, we would like to give the participants the chance to ask questions to one of our experts, as well as to initiate lively discussions on the topic of "safety on the water". We would welcome the opportunity to visit your club or school to provide the free of charge seminars, giving insights from over 50 years of claims handling and providing valuable safety prevention tips from practice.
If you would like to know more about how to arrange the Pantaenius Academy visit to your school or club, please contact us via our contact form or you can get in touch with our person in charge.